Check Out My Blog!
How I Went from Struggling to Exercise to Moving My Body Every Day (Even Post Menopause)
How I went from struggling to exercise to moving my body every day!
How I Lost 20 Pounds After 40—and Kept It Off
How I lost 20 pounds over 40 and kept it off
7 Tips to Start (and Stick to) Healthy Habits Post Menopause
7 Tips to start and stick to healthy habits post menopause.
My 5 Most Popular Yoga Videos for Women Over 40
Most popular yoga and wellness videos for women over 40.
In Menopause? Yoga Can Help You Sleep Better
Yoga can help women in menopause to sleep better.
Managing Holiday Stress with Menopause in Mind
This holiday season, stop and breathe!
For women in menopause.
Why I Left The Corporate World in My 50s to Teach Yoga
Why I left the corporate world in my 50s to teach yoga
Yoga for women over 40
20 One-sentence Tips To Relieve Your Knee Pain
20 one-sentence tips to relieve your knee pain
10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Add To Your Daily Diet To Help Your Joint Pain
10 Anti inflammatory foods
How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Can Help Relieve Your Joint Pain
Curious about if an anti-inflammatory diet can help you?