How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Can Help Relieve Your Joint Pain

Are you curious about whether an anti-inflammatory diet can help you?

In January this year, I challenged myself to follow an anti-inflammatory diet for the whole month!

Here's what my anti-inflammatory diet looked like:

  • No white flour

  • No dairy

  • No alcohol

  • Little to no sugar

  • Very little meat

  • Little to no processed foods

So I generally ate lots of oats, vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, beans and olive oil based dressing. ​

After 2 weeks, I definitely noticed a reduction in my joint aches and pains.

They were not completely gone but they were less.

​The hardest thing to cut out was sugar.

I didn't realize how hard it would be not to have any added sugar at all.

I've been researching the impact sugar has on your health and it's not good.

I'm still eating fruits which of course have their natural sugar.

Cutting out white flour has also been challenging as my go-to snack was crackers.

My snack is now my homemade granola.

I made good friends with bammy (bammy is a traditional Jamaican cassava flatbread) and have them instead of toast.

​Three weeks in, I felt good.

After three weeks, my joint pain was much better although not gone completely.

I still woke up with knee pain some days from my osteoarthritis but the other aches and pains that I was getting were pretty much completely gone. So that's big for me.

My energy level was good, and I generally felt great!

After 4 weeks, there was a marked improvement in my joint aches and pains!

Even my knee pain which had been bothering me a lot was much improved!

I used to wake up almost every day with knee pain and I was waking up pretty much every day with no knee pain!

Is this all due to my new way of eating?

I can't be sure but I believe my anti-inflammatory helped a lot so I plan to continue some version of it.

Maybe I won't be quite so strict but I'll aim to stick to it more or less going forward.

I really encourage you to try your own version of an anti-inflammatory diet to see if it will help you!

Want to know more?

Here’s a link to 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Help Your Joint Pain


I’m Karin, a certified Yoga and Pilates Teacher and Wellness Coach based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling achy to feeling great!

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10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Add To Your Daily Diet To Help Your Joint Pain


Have Joint Pain? What Are You Eating