You Don’t Have To Live With Joint Pain

Are you a woman over 40 struggling with frustrating knee pain or other types of joint pain that you wish would go away?

If yes, have you ever:

✅ taken meds or special supplements?

✅ contemplated surgery or cortisone shots?

✅ been to physical therapy?

✅ used topical creams or gels (hello Voltaren!)?

✅ contemplated stopping doing things you love to do?

✅ thought that joint aches and pains are simply a part of getting older and there’s nothing you can do about it?

✅ worried that your joint pain is only going to get worse?

✅ felt frustrated, annoyed, or scared by your joint pains?

I answer yes to all of the above!

I figured as a woman over 40, having joint pain was a natural part of getting older and I'd have to live with it.

Turns out, this is not true.

I grew up having knee pain, which my parents labelled "growing pains".

While in college I competed for Dartmouth's gymnastics team and in most competitions I was tanked up on painkillers for my knee pain (Chondromalacia).

Then as an older adult, I continued having knee pain on and off as well as various other joint aches and pains.

I was a fairly serious dancer (I moved to New York City to dance in my 30s) but had to quit while there because of knee pain.

I started doing yoga as an alternative to being a dancer as yoga is gentler on the joints, though I still do dance.

Last year, though, I had to take a break from my dance classes because my knee pain had gotten bad again.

I didn't want to make my knees worse.

I contemplated whether I might one day need a knee replacement!

The good news is now, I have almost zero knee pain!

I feel strong and confident! 💪🏽 😄

This is because of some key new habits I've committed to.

So, if you've been thinking that you have to live with your joint pain pain, the good news is, you don't!

There are effective ways to manage and even alleviate joint pain, backed by scientific studies.

To begin with, did you know that taking regular walks can be a game-changer for relieving joint pain?

According to the Cleveland Clinic movement is critical to keeping joints healthy.

Walking helps to lubricate joints and strengthen surrounding muscles, reducing discomfort.

So, lace up those sneakers and let's stroll our way to happier, healthier joints together!


I’m Karin, a certified Yoga and Pilates Teacher and Wellness Coach based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling achy to feeling great!

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FREE Yoga for Joint Pain Zoom Class - June 22


20 One-sentence Tips To Relieve Your Knee Pain