20 One-sentence Tips To Relieve Your Knee Pain

Are you a woman over 40 struggling with frustrating, annoying, aggravating knee pain that you wish would just go away?

If you are, I feel you!

I’ve struggled with knee pain for many years of my life.

My knee pain is mainly because of 20+ years of dance, running, wearing high heels and sitting too much!

I’ve tried lots of remedies and am determined to avoid knee surgery!

(I’m now 59).

I think I’ve figured out a few things that work depending on what’s going on with your knees.

Below is a combination of what has worked for me plus what my research and visits to physical therapists have taught me.

  1. Firstly check with your doctor or a physical therapist to find out exactly what’s going on and what you can do about it.

  2. Strengthen the muscles supporting your knees (quadriceps, hamstrings, calf, feet and core) to improve knee stability (this is super important).

  3. Gently stretch the muscles supporting your knees with flexibility exercises (like yoga) to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in the knee.

  4. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish into your diet to help reduce knee inflammation, this is especially important if your knee pain is due to arthritis which inflammatory foods can exacerbate.

  5. Keep moving! Incorporate low-impact exercises like walking, swimming or cycling to nourish the knee joint without straining the knees (if your pain is less than 5/10, it’s ok to keep moving, over 5/10 it’s best to rest).

  6. Apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes several times a day to reduce knee inflammation, especially good for new minor injuries.

  7. Maintain a healthy weight to alleviate excess pressure on the knee joints.

  8. Invest in supportive, cushioned footwear to minimize impact on the knees during daily activities (seriously avoid high heels!).

  9. Topical pain relievers such as Voltaren have worked for me for temporary relief.

  10. Elevate your leg when resting to reduce swelling and ease knee discomfort.

  11. Avoid activities that exacerbate knee pain, such as running or jumping, until discomfort subsides.

  12. Practice proper posture and body mechanics to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the knees.

  13. Consider physical therapy sessions to learn targeted exercises and techniques for managing knee pain.

  14. Apply heat therapy, such as warm compresses or heating pads, to relax muscles and alleviate stiffness.

  15. Modify your workstation or living space to minimize bending or kneeling, which can aggravate knee pain.

  16. Utilize assistive devices like canes or walkers to reduce weight-bearing on the affected knee during activities.

  17. Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to manage stress, which can exacerbate knee pain.

  18. Consider acupuncture or massage therapy as complementary treatments to alleviate knee discomfort.

  19. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to keep joints lubricated and aid in cartilage repair.

  20. Prioritize rest and relaxation to allow the body time to heal and recover from knee pain episodes.


I’m Karin, a certified Yoga and Pilates Teacher and Wellness Coach based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling achy to feeling great!

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