Tight Shoulders? Achy neck muscles? I've got something for you!

If you spend hours hunched over a computer, chances are you've got achy shoulders, back or neck muscles.

If yes, join the club!

So many of us could benefit from a few minutes of stretching our upper back, shoulders and neck muscles to counteract all that sitting we do.

Here's a short yoga sequence to help you get relief!

This sequence focuses on opening up all those tight areas of the upper body - back, shoulders, chest and neck.

Want to do more yoga with me?

One of my Bloomers describes me as a teacher who makes yoga accessible for everybody and every body!

In Bloom, my online yoga and wellness membership, we have dozens of yoga videos like this one that can help to relieve your joint pain as well as improve your flexibility, mobility, strength, and balance.

Bloom online is only $49/month (and you can cancel anytime) for dozens of on-demand yoga classes that you can do on your own schedule.

But Bloom also includes 3 live yoga classes with me every week on Zoom!

All Bloom classes are appropriate for all levels including beginners.

Each class focuses on relieving joint pain, stretching, strengthening and improving our balance.

 Come join our Bloom community!


Panicking About a New Ache or Pain?


Habits or Willpower? Which is more important?