Habits or Willpower? Which is more important?

As we women get older, it’s even more important to create healthy habits.

Ever tried to create a new healthy habit or break a not so good one? 

Have  you concluded that you just don’t have the willpower or discipline? 

You might be interested to know that it’s not so much about your willpower but more about your habits being so ingrained that they’re just hard to break and hard to form new ones! 

Studies have shown that people under estimate the power that their habits play in their lives, both good and not so good. 

Meaning that what we do is often a function of habit, what we’re used to doing - we just keep doing it. 

People repeat everyday behaviours out of habit. 

For example, a lot of us drink coffee in the morning because we think it helps to wake us up, but a lot of time it’s just out of habit. 

So when it comes to creating new healthy habits, we don’t really need to focus on our willpower or our self discipline. 

We need to focus on our habits!

We need to focus on how to make or break our habits. 

And our environment plays a big role here! 

So for example, to create new habits here are few tips: 

  1. Make doing it super easy (not doing it hard)

  2. Give yourself visual cues

  3. Start with something so small you can’t not do it! 

Focus on creating new habits and forget about your willpower! 

Habits are hard to change but they can be!

Check out my video below where I talk some more about this and give you some examples from my own life!


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