Yoga Is Proven To Alleviate Back Pain For Women, Here’s How!

If you’re a woman over 40, you may be experiencing back pain or other spine-related issues that can be painful, stressful and just annoying!

Our spinal disks wear down as a normal part of aging.

Especially after age 40, most of us women are experiencing some disk degeneration. This doesn’t mean that we experience back pain, but keeping our spines as healthy as possible will definitely help to keep back pain and discomfort at bay!

Yoga can be an effective way to alleviate back pain in women over 40 by improving flexibility, strength, and posture.

Here are some ways in which yoga can help:

  1. Yoga improves spine flexibility: Many yoga poses involve stretching the muscles which support our spines including our hips and legs. Stretching the muscles supporting our spines helps to release any tension or tightness in these muscles that may be contributing to back pain. For example, tight hamstrings can often cause lower back pain so stretching our hamstrings regularly can help relieve lower back pain.

  2. Yoga strengthens muscles supporting our spine: Yoga poses that focus on the core and back muscles help to strengthen and tone these areas. This helps to improve our posture and so relieves back pain associated with weak core muscles and bad posture.

  3. Yoga increases circulation: Practicing yoga can improve blood flow and our circulation in general helping to reduce inflammation and promote healing throughout our bodies.

  4. Yoga promotes relaxation: Yoga incorporates breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that can help to reduce stress and tension in the body. This can be particularly helpful for individuals whose back pain is related to stress or anxiety.

  5. Yoga improves posture: Many yoga poses require proper alignment of the spine, which can help to improve posture. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who spend a lot of time sitting or standing in one position.

Overall, practicing yoga can help to improve back pain by addressing both physical and mental factors that may be contributing to discomfort.

However, it's important to work with a qualified yoga instructor and consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program, particularly if you have any underlying medical conditions or injuries.

In case you don’t know me…

I’m Karin, a certified yoga instructor based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling stressed and achy to feeling great!

I have a free newsletter that is short, actionable, inspiring, and loved by over 670 subscribers!

I'll send you weekly wellness tips and one yoga pose for you to do each week so you can experience all the amazing benefits of yoga in 2 minutes or less


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