Seeking Balance During Covid 19 With Steve Wilson


My brother, Steve Wilson and I chatted about "Finding Balance" during a recent #StayHome Community Chat via IG live.

Steve is always an interesting guy to chat with. He's a music industry executive, husband and father.

He shared with us some of his insights into finding balance during these crazy Covid times.

Steve talked about how he uses meditation and exercise to "slow the conveyor belt of thoughts in his mind", a cool image of how meditation works for him. He says, for him, meditation is like washing your mind.

As a father of three kids, two under six years old, Steve described how he's spending a lot of time outdoors with his kids. He's even started a food garden, saying that "seeing things grow is a great mood enhancer."

Steve is reaching out and calling old friends and family, as a great way to stay balanced. He's also seeking advice and solace through social media, "we need to be physical distancing but engaging in social closeness, Calling On Me as Sean Paul’s new single says". (Ok he does manage Sean Paul).

Overall, Steve explained that his aim is to be closer to his "self", so that when the situation arises that you have to go back to your self, you don't have that far to walk!


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