Are You Using Your Power?


Last Thursday, I chatted with Stacey Hines who is a Life Transformation Guide, author, mother and many other things. We spoke about "The Power of Intention in Times of Uncertainty".

I think we can all agree that these are uncertain times! Stacey is reminding us that we have the power! We have the power of our intention to help us to navigate these uncharted waters.

What does the power of intention really mean? I've outlined Stacey's answer and her main points below:

1. Everything we experience in our lives is based on the intentions we choose - whether consciously or unconsciously.

2. Intention is the “why behind our why”. It is the energy that fuels our thoughts and feelings and ultimately our behaviors.

3. We can harness the power of intentions by being deliberate with the way we focus our energy and our thoughts each morning.

4. Our authentic power comes to life when our personality is aligned with our highest self which is guided by pure intention.

5. Start off each day with the belief that you are well intentioned and that the universe has good intentions for you. This will set you up for an epic life experience.

Stacey challenges us to set an intention each day! What is your intention for today?


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