5 Must-Try Yoga Poses to Relieve Menopausal Symptoms

Childs pose variation

Is menopause driving you crazy?

Are hot flashes, mood swings, and sleepless nights driving you nutso?

Don't despair. Yoga can help!

Yoga is your secret weapon for finding peace amidst the menopausal chaos. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through 5 simple yoga poses that can calm the menopause craziness.

Understanding Menopausal Symptoms

Before we dive into the fun stuff, let's get the lowdown on menopausal symptoms.

We're talking hot flashes, mood swings, sleepless nights, weight gain surprises, joint pains, and, oh, the stress and anxiety that show up totally uninvited. I get it. I’ve had them all!

Now, here's the deal: Yoga's like your BFF in these tough times.

It's got your back by taming stress, balancing those pesky hormones, improving your sleep, helping with that unwanted weight gain, giving your joints some much-needed love, and dialling down the emotional rollercoaster.

Yoga and Menopause: How It Helps

Stress Reduction: Yoga is like your chill pill; it soothes your frayed nerves, giving you a sense of peace and calm. Goodbye, stress! Hello relaxation!

Yoga is great for stress relief, especially if you’re doing a gentle yoga, yin or restorative yoga class perfect for us women over 40!

Hormone Balance: Some yoga poses are your hormone whisperers – they nudge those mood-altering hormones back into balance. Yoga is especially good at calming spiking cortisol levels, allowing you to relax and restore!

Improved Sleep: Yoga can be your lullaby. It helps you catch those elusive ZZZs by calming your restless mind and body. Try restorative poses like reclined bound angle and legs up the wall to calm your body and mind.

Weight Management: Yoga's your partner-in-crime when battling those extra pounds. Just by moving more you’re burning calories and doing something good for yourself.

In yoga, you’re also focusing on relieving stress and being more mindful, both key to effective weight management.

Reducing Joint Pain: If joint pain's your issue, yoga's your ally.

It helps you regain strength and flexibility, both of which can ease joint aches and pains.

Managing stress also aids in relieving joint pain, yup, it’s true!

Emotional Well-being: Yoga is like a mood stabilizer.

One of my students told me yoga for her was like drinking 2 glasses of wine but without having to actually drink 2 glasses of wine!

Preparing for Your Yoga Practice

​Before you go all-in with yoga, a little prep never hurt.

Make sure you talk to your doctor to make sure yoga’s right for you.

Then get some comfy yoga gear (no you don’t need yoga pants) and create your yoga space where no one can disturb your Zen time.

Some candles or incense can add a soothing vibe.

The 5 Must-Try Yoga Poses

1. Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

Imagine resting with your legs up the wall – relaxation on steroids.

Benefits: Stress-busting, improved circulation, and better sleep – a triple win!

Legs up the Wall

2. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

This one's like a gentle stretch for your hips, chest and shoulders – total relaxation.

Benefits: Bye-bye anxiety, hello flexibility and hormone harmony.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

3. Childs Pose

Child's pose is a forward bend pose. It's meant to relax your body and allow you to focus on your breathing.

Benefits: Gently stretches the back, hips and shoulders allowing for deep relaxation.

4. Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Like a cat stretching and a cow arching – it's pure spine flexibility.

Benefits: Back pain and emotional tension's out the door.

5. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

The ultimate chillaxing pose – just lie down like you mean it.

Benefits: Stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights – consider them gone!

Practice Tips and Safety Precautions

Keep it real. It’s your body, your yoga. You’re doing this for you!

It’s not about getting into some crazy position, it’s about doing what feels good for you.

Focus on your breath, and don't push yourself too hard. If a pose feels like a stretch too far, no worries – modify it.

And remember, it's your time, so no overexertion allowed.

Feel free to use props like blocks or straps for extra support.

In a nutshell, menopause doesn't have to be a wild rollercoaster ride – yoga's here to help smooth it out.

By understanding your menopausal symptoms, embracing yoga, and making those 10 poses your friends, menopause doesn’t have to make you miserable. The power is in your hands, and on your yoga mat.

Ready to get started?

These poses can be your daily dose of peace and balance.

Whether you're a yoga newbie or a seasoned yogi, these poses have your back.

So, let's make menopause the beginning of a new adventure – a calm, cool, and balanced one. Namaste!


I’m Karin, a certified yoga teacher based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling achy to feeling great!

I have a free newsletter that is short, actionable, inspiring, and loved by over 800 subscribers!


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