Struggling With Consistency For Your Self Care?

If you’re like me you’ve probably struggled with being consistent with your self care!

So many women don’t prfioritize their own health and wellbeing for so many different reasons!

But as women get older, it' becomes increasingly important for us to focus on our self care.

I’ve struggled with being consistent with my self care a lot!

For a long time I've been wanting to establish a daily yoga routine, and I mean for months, or maybe years!

This year, I finally decided I would do ONE yoga pose the first thing every morning, before I sat down to work. I mean literally one pose that takes me one to two minutes!

And guess what? It worked! 

​Now I do five to ten minutes of yoga (most, not every morning). Some mornings I still just do two minutes, but more often than not I do five minutes. This may not sound like a lot to you but it's huge to me!

I feel so much better after moving my body for just five minutes every morning. I usually do some yoga pose(s) or stretch that my body needs in that moment!

So, I'm sharing this to let you know that SMALL SUSTAINABLE STEPS = BIG RESULTS!

​If you're struggling with being consistent in your self care (whatever your desired activity is), I really really suggest you try this approach!

​I don’t think I’ll ever stop talking about this because it’s something I really believe in and so many people I know struggle with consistency in their self care!

​I believe that you too can have big results taking small sustainable steps!

Try two minutes of breathing, walking, yoga, stretching, resting, etc. - it's all part of self care!​

You might not believe this yet for yourself and that’s okay. It took me a while to fully understand this for myself but once it clicked, everything changed. And I know when the time is right for you, it will be the same.

​If you’re interested in hearing more on this, I'm talking about this more here in my recent Facebook Live video where I share more about this story.

To help you, I even have this FREE Daily Wellness Checklist for you - you can download it here!

To use it, print it out it and put it on your fridge or somewhere you'll see it everyday and choose one thing on this list to do for even two minutes every day.


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