My Free Wellness Resources

Someone just told me they didn't know I had a YouTube channel!

It got me thinking that maybe you don't know about all my FREE STUFF!

I have a lot of free wellness resources that I've created and shared over the years but I realize I don't talk about some of them much.

I’m passionate about helping 40+ women manage their joint pain with yoga!

I came to yoga in my early 40s because of joint pain, knee pain specifically.

After 20+ years of fairly serious dance, my knees were not happy.

They hurt a lot!
I started doing yoga as I wanted a gentle form of exercise that was similar to dance but not as hard on the body as dance.
I didn't know much about it and for many years, I merely practised yoga for the exercise and stretch benefits.
It took me a long time to understand the many levels of yoga.

If you’re looking to manage/relieve your joint pain with yoga, generally focus on your self-care, learn more about yoga, and be part of a community of supportive women over 40, read on - I think you’ll find some of my wellness resources useful.

Here are all my FREE! yoga and wellness resources:

I would love to know if you find the above useful!

Pls. email me and let me know at!

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Go from feeling stiff and achy to feeling great!

My free newsletter is for 40+ women who want to feel great in body and mind!

I'll send you weekly wellness tips and free yoga videos to help you relieve or prevent joint pain and stiffness and experience all the amazing benefits of yoga!

It's short, actionable, inspiring, and loved by over 500 subscribers!


Release Tension and Stress In 30 Minutes


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