How A Creative Practice Can Help Your Self Care


Did you know that Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is greater than knowledge".

Have you ever imagined yourself out of a difficult situation, creating new possibilities that you may not have thought of before? These times are certainly challenging us to do just that!

Though far from being a "techie", I've had to learn a bunch of new skills to take my yoga and wellness programs online. It's been challenging, testing my patience and resolve, but definitely worth it!

As Denise shared in our #StayHome Community Chat, having some sort of creative practice helps us be better at imagining and creating new possibilities in all areas of our life!

Denise shared five practical ways that a creative practice aids in self-care:

1. Stress Reduction

Engaging in creative activities reduces the effects of stress and can be a form of meditation.

2. Problem Solving

A creative practice helps individuals to see issues and circumstances from multiple perspectives. The same idea can be expressed as a poem, a work of art or a song.

3. Vision Creation

Practicing creativity allows an individual to write their own story, literally and figuratively, leading to personal empowerment, greater self-confidence and a more fulfilled life.

4. Self Expression

Having a creative practice helps people to express his/her innermost feelings. Revelations even surprise the individuals themselves.

5. Play - A Return to Childhood

Creativity offers persons, no matter what age, a time to "play", which is not only tons of fun but also healing.

There are so many ways to have a creative practice, even now, stuck at home with limited materials!

You can draw, write, paint, make collages with magazines, make sculptures out of "junk", work with mandalas (a geometric symbol used in various spiritual traditions to focus the mind) and so many more. Denise shared a few of hers in the photos below.


For more about Denise and her work check out her IG:


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