5 Tips To Start Yoga At Home

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or having joint pain, doing yoga regularly at home will help - even just for a few minutes!

But before you think you can’t, hear me out.

Here are five tips to make starting your home yoga practice easy!

Science tells us that spending just a few minutes in some type of mindfulness practice has healing benefits for our bodies and minds, helping to keep us strong and more flexible which means less joint pain.

Regular yoga also boosts our immune system and helps to keep us calmer and less anxious.

I must admit I'm a latecomer to a home yoga practice.

I always had some reason why I couldn't fit yoga into my day - too busy, too tired, too something.

A key strategy for starting any new habit is to make it super EASY, so easy it takes less than two minutes to do.

I don't always do yoga every day.

But pretty much every day, first thing in the morning (after coffee ☺️) I find some time for quiet meditation and prayer and then two to five minutes for yoga - sometimes more, sometimes less.

This practice has helped me in so many ways.

It sets the tone for my day, gets my body moving, and keeps me more centered, grounded, and peaceful as I go through my day.

Here are five super simple tips to make starting your home yoga practice easy:

  1. Start with one pose - two minutes, that’s it! Most of us can find two minutes! Think about what part of your body could use some yoga (love and attention) at whatever time you're doing it. (I send out a free weekly yoga pose every Monday, if you’d like to get this just sign up here: GET WEEKLY YOGA POSE)

  2. After you've done one pose for a while (a week or so), add another. Create a two or three-pose sequence that you do every day.

  3. Create a small yoga sanctuary. It helps if you can leave your mat set out if you have one. Add some candles or whatever you like to make your space special.

  4. Commit to practicing at the same time every day. You can do one or two yoga poses right before you go to bed, as you wake up, or before lunch after you've been sitting for a while.

  5. Don't stress about it! If you skip a few days, who cares! Just get back to it when you can!

If you’d like to do yoga with me check out Bloom, my yoga and wellness online membership.

I teach 3 weekly live classes per week plus have a library of on-demand yoga classes of different lengths and themes, starting with 5 minutes or less!


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