5 Tips For a Healthy Spine

If you’re over 50, it’s highly likely that you may be experiencing some back issues - pain, discomfort, tightness.

I know I am!

As we get older, many of us start to get arthritis and other forms of joint pain in various parts of the body including arthritis of the spine.

Back pain in older people is super common!

I’m on a mission to help us women live healthy, happy and pain free as we get older! Being in pain is not nice!

My mom has arthritis in her spine and I know first hand how tough it can be.

I have lower back disc issues causing pain and discomfort in my feet (go figure) which I’ve also been managing for a while now (more on this later).

In this video I’m sharing 5 easy tips to keep your spine strong and healthy.

Here’s a quick preview:

  1. Don’t sit for more than 30 minutes at a time.

  2. Be aware of your posture - avoid forward bending.

  3. Be aware of your work station.

  4. Gently stretch/move your back.

  5. Keep your core muscles strong.

Much more details in the video!


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Toes Hurt? Could Be A Back Issue.


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