If you don't really like it, you're just not going to do it!


I think my wellness philosophy is pretty radical! I believe if you don't enjoy something, you're not really going to do it - not for very long anyway. So, not really that radical. 

And because I believe that wellness is a lifestyle, not a diet, detox, boot camp, or any other short term quick fix, your wellness plan for yourself has to be enjoyable. Yes, it helps to have a wellness plan. (If you don't have one, let me know and I'll send you my wellness plan template). 

So, back to my wellness philosophy - my core philosophy is "Enjoy your way to wellness" - that means committing to a LIFESTYLE that makes you feel good and be well! 

Your wellness habits have to be sustainable for your whole life. And for them to be sustainable, you actually have to enjoy them. There are no short cuts or quick fixes to wellness, rather it’s about developing sustainable, life long habits that help us to be well and feel great!

I truly believe this is possible. If you don't really enjoy something, you're just not going to do it! 

Here are my 5 core wellness principles:

1. Food as our medicine. I believe in eating yummy food that you can enjoy! But I also believe that what we eat can help to heal us and keep us from getting sick in the first place. So yummy food and healing food can be the same thing!

2. What you eat and what you do for exercise have to be enjoyable. Let’s face it, if you don’t enjoy it you’re not going to want to do it very often. So if you like to walk - walk! If you like yoga - do yoga! It's only likely to be a lasting habit if you actually like to do it! Forcing yourself to do something that you really don't like just isn't going to last very long, unless you have super human discipline! Find healthy foods you like and some form of exercise that you like and just do it! 

3. It’s what you do most of the time that matters. Sure you’re going to eat that extra slice of pizza or that piece of cake once in a while and that’s ok. It’s really what you do most of the time that matters. So if most of the time (80% of the time) you eat a healthy balanced diet, you'll be fine! 

4. A little effort can go a long way. Small sustained changes can lead to big results. For example, sometimes we just need to add a bit more movement/exercise into our day, or eat more fruits and veggies, to improve our health.

5. We can all be fabulous at any age!

I'd love to know what your wellness philosophy is and if you agree/disagree with mine! 

I'm on a mission to help people be healthy, happy and pain free!

Check out all my KARIN YOGA LIFE RESOURCES including when my next Free Gentle Yoga class is: https://bit.ly/2HOP8on


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