It’s Joyful June! ‘Cause We Need More ‘Joy’ In Our Lives

I've declared this month, "Joyful June" 'cause couldn't you do with a little more fun in your life (or is it just me?)

I don’t know about you but fitting in “joy” and or “fun” into my life isn’t always at the top of my to-do list.

If you're anything like me, you're pretty good at getting lots of work done, eating reasonably well, taking care of others + doing all your many other responsibilities.

But with all that happening, finding time for doing things that bring you joy or that are just plain old fun just doesn't happen.

I’m getting to that age when so many of my friends and family members are either falling ill and or passing away.

The time is now to find ways to fit more joy and fun into life.

​Hence, “Joyful June”!

It's not that easy to make sure I fit joy/fun into my day or week as I’m usually so “busy” but I’m determined to make the time.

If you think this is a frivolous, unimportant topic, there are health benefits to incorporating fun into your life. Yup, there are.

Here are 2 health benefits you get from simply having more fun!

  1. Stress reduction: Fun activities help reduce stress levels. When you're having fun, your body releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals. These endorphins promote a sense of relaxation and help alleviate stress (and we know high levels of stress can cause all sorts of health problems!)

  2. Better mental health: Having fun can significantly improve your mental health. Fun activities provide a sense of pleasure, joy, and happiness, which can positively impact your mood and overall outlook on life.

Plus fun activities often involve movement and physical activity. And movement is medicine!

So how to fit more fun into your life?

​Here are a few ways that I’ve found to fit more joy and fun into my life lately.

I aim to do each of these things at least once a week if not more:

  • Go to lunch with a friend

  • Go to more yoga classes with different teachers who teach different styles of yoga to me

  • Treat myself to something small

  • Have a date night with my husband and or friend

  • Do something creative (I design jewellery so spend some time with my jewellery - I love beads!)

What about you?

As you’re reading this I hope you're thinking about 1) what brings you joy, 2) what do you find fun and 3) if you need to find ways to fit these things into your life more.

​If you’re like me and have to get more intentional about this, here are some ways that helped me:

​Plan ahead, set time in your schedule for your fun/joyful activities

  • Think of something super small you can do to treat yourself (this could be simply buying yourself your favourite kind of ice cream)

  • Spend time with a friend/family member whose company you really enjoy (emphasis on the really enjoy part, preferably somebody who makes you laugh!)

​So, that’s my list!

What’s on your list of fun things to do this week?

And of course if you’re looking to have FUN in yoga this month, here’s where you can find me:


Your first class is free!


I’m Karin, a certified yoga teacher based in Kingston, Jamaica.

I help women over 40 go from feeling achy and stressed to feeling great!

I have a free newsletter that is short, actionable, inspiring, and loved by over 670 subscribers!

Every week, I'll send you yoga /wellness tips plus one yoga pose that takes less than 2 minutest to do so you can experience all the amazing benefits of yoga.


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