Knees Hurt? Here’s How To Strengthen Your Knees With Yoga

Yoga is a great way to strengthen the knees!

Yoga is a great way to strengthen the knees as well as to keep the whole body strong and mobile.

Simple standing yoga sequences like this slow, gentle sun salutation sequence is a great way to strengthen the legs and muscles supporting the knees and to stretch the whole body.

As always, please move mindfully and if anything hurts just modify or skip it.

If you have any pre-existing knee conditions or injuries, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified yoga instructor who can provide guidance on modifications and appropriate poses for your specific needs.

How does yoga strengthen the knees?

Here are three ways yoga can help strengthen the knees:

  1. Improved muscle strength and stability: Yoga poses engage and strengthen the muscles around the knees, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Yoga sequences like the Sun Salutation target these muscles, helping to build strength and stability. Stronger muscles provide better support to the knees and reduce the risk of injury.

  2. Enhanced flexibility and joint mobility: Yoga sequences like the Sun Salutation involves a combination of stretching and range-of-motion exercises, which can help improve flexibility and mobility in the knees. Specific yoga poses like the ones included in Sun Salutations can help release tension, increase the range of motion, and improve flexibility in the knees. Enhanced flexibility reduces the strain on the knees and allows for smoother movements.

  3. Increased body awareness and alignment: Yoga encourages mindfulness and body awareness, which can be beneficial for proper alignment and knee health. Practicing yoga helps you become more aware of your body's positioning and movement patterns. Proper alignment in poses included in Sun Salutations helps distribute weight evenly, reducing excessive stress on the knees. Developing good body mechanics and alignment habits during yoga practice can carry over to daily activities and contribute to healthier knees.

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I’m Karin, a certified yoga instructor based in Kingston, Jamaica.

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