What’s Your Advice To Your Younger Self?

A few weeks ago, I asked the members of the KARIN YOGA LIFE Wellness & Yoga Facebook community for advice they would give to their younger selves. I received so many great suggestions, including many that can still be applicable today. I have decided to highlight my favourite top ten pieces of advice that are great for the next generation, but that we can also keep in mind today.

1. Don’t worry so much, especially about the small stuff

Worrying stresses us out unnecessarily. And most of the things we worry about never  happen! In the moment, we don’t think the small stuff is so small, but when we look back, we realize we didn’t have to spend any time worrying in the first place.

We also find ourselves worrying about what other people think of us. It is important to tell yourself that the opinion about you that matters most is your own. People are going to have something to think or say no matter what, so you might as well do what you want anyway!

2. Live in the present

This goes hand in hand with worrying less. When we live in the present and focus on today, we have less time to worry about the future or dwell on the past. Let’s try and remain grateful for what we have today.

3. Save earlier

This habit is one that I think is so important to teach to the future generation, but we can also start at any age. Whether it is a little or a lot, money can really add up over time. It is always comforting to know that you have a bit of money put away for a rainy day. 

4. Never start smoking

This one I think is pretty self explanatory. Smoking is not a healthy habit to pick up. Even if you are still smoking today, you can  stop. Easier said than done I know, but this is advice that everyone needs to hear!

5. Don't look for someone to "complete" you

Many women are fed a fairytale of Prince Charming coming to rescue us and make our lives perfect, and until then, we are missing something. This is not true! We all need to  get to know ourselves and love ourselves fully. No one is going to complete you. You are enough. 

6. Just do it even when it scares you

There are so many things we want to do but we are scared of failure or embarrassment. It doesn't matter if you fail! Every experience provides us with the opportunity to learn. I like to say, you always burn the first pancake. You generally don't do something great the first time, but you get better eventually. Once you start, it gets easier. 

7. Time fixes most things

I’m sure everyone has heard the saying, time heals most wounds. Not just emotionally, but even our bodies are constantly  healing themselves. This goes hand in hand with trying to worry less. With time, things will be okay.

8. Love your body

We only get one body! Love it and be grateful for it as much as you can. Our bodies are powerful and amazing, they work hard and do so much for us. Your body is your home. This means you should not only appreciate it, but respect it! Treat yourself right.

9. Your metabolism won’t be like this forever

So many of us grow up with eating habits that are not so great. Figure out how to eat right earlier rather than later. A community member wrote, ramen is not a food group, and neither is rum! The sooner we learn to eat right, the better, which means you can still start today.

10.  Start doing yoga from the moment you learn to walk!

I believe that yoga should be taught to  kids, as especially the breathing practice can benefit them greatly. Learning simple breathing practices  helps them to learn how to be calm and in touch with themselves. But as we all know, this is relevant no matter what age you are. Yoga is for everybody and every body!

Join the KARIN YOGA LIFE Facebook community for wellness and yoga for women over 40 here to participate in our weekly discussions on topics like this and many more. 

Being a part of our  community, you can join in live and add questions and comments, as well as hear other great pieces of advice and get the support of like minded women who are all on a similar journey. 



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