Using Your Breath To Manage Stress

Did you know that you can use your breath to manage your stress?

Trishan Haughton, Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga explained how this works during our #StayHome Community Chat last week.

According to Trishan, the breath is an unlimited and readily accessible resource for us to use to maintain wellbeing in any situation. Now isn't that wonderful to know during this time?!

Yoga Therapy uses the yogic tools to therapeutically realize your healing and wellness goals. One such tool is Pranayama (breathing techniques).

Conscious breathing plays a major role in the physical processes of regulating your stress hormones, facilitating optimal gut function (balances digestion) and lowering blood pressure.

On a psycho-emotional level, studies show that conscious and mindful breathing encourages better decision making, helping us to create better habits that support optimal wellness.

One little mentioned fact is that conscious breathing also supports the part of the brain that is responsible for social connection. Simply put, we are better equipped and more desirous of connecting with others when we breathe better!

I can speak from personal experience, when I practice my conscious breathing, I definitely feel calmer afterwards! Try it!

For more info on breathing techniques that are best for you or if you're just wondering if yoga therapy is right for you, book a consultation with Trishan. They're free until May 31!

Here's the link to our entire chat if you'd like to hear all the details:

Contact details for Trishan Haughton

Tel: 876-281-2225


IG: trishanthefree


Yoga For Healthy Happy Feet


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