10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Joint & Arthritis Pain Course Opens September 14th!


Yes, you can reduce your joint pain significantly! 

Monday, September 14th is the big day!

That's the day when my "10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Joint & Arthritis Pain" online course opens.

I'm so excited about this course as I know it's going to help people better manage their joint pain.

Research tell us that slow, gentle, controlled movement that builds strength in the muscles surrounding joints and increases the range of motion of joints can significantly reduce joint pain and stiffness! That sounds like gentle yoga to me! 

If you have joint pain, I've developed this course with you in mind! 

I've spend the last four years teaching yoga to many people who suffer from joint pain, including people in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s and 80s!

I myself have knee and hip pain from time to time, mainly due to old sports injuries, too much sitting, too many years of wearing high heels, and probably some amount of wear and tear arthritis (osteoarthritis). So I feel your pain! 

In developing this course, I chose poses that focus on the four joint pain hot spots: hands, spine, knees and hips. 

What's Included - 10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Joint & Arthritis Pain

This course is appropriate for people of all shapes and sizes as well as beginners - no yoga experience necessary!

No matter how old, inflexible or “unfit” you think you are this course will help you.

Being able to get up and down off the floor is not required, some postures can be done in a chair. The course includes the following: 

  • 4 videos (approximately 20 - 30 minutes each), sent one per week

  • Each video demonstrates simple yoga poses and sequences for you to follow along with that will help to relieve your joint pain and stiffness

  • Weekly videos will build on each other and include a short yoga sequence for you to practice each week

  • Each week's video focuses on a different part of the body and joint pain hot spot (hands, spine, knees, hips)

  • Once you purchase the course, you have lifetime access to the videos

The cost of the full course is US$49.00.

But the special introductory prices is US$39.00 if you enroll before September 30th. 


As an additional bonus, the first 10 people who sign up will receive a FREE gentle yoga group class with me (I teach a gentle group class every Tuesday at 5:30pm CT via Zoom). 

If you suffer from joint pain, I know you will benefit from this course.

If you're not already on my mailing list, sign up here so you'll be reminded when this course opens:


(You'll also receive my free 2 minute video of an easy neck and shoulder stretch for neck and shoulder pain).

What people had to say about this course

"I recently had the pleasure of doing Karin’s “10 Yoga Poses to Relieve Arthritis Pain” course although right off the top I must say that it was far more than 10 poses! In my early sixties, with lower back issues and the beginning of osteoarthritis in my hands, plus a general increase in morning stiffness all over, I found Karin’s series of videos very useful in relieving stiffness and achiness.

Karin’s instructions are clear and easy to follow and the poses chosen are relevant and can be deceptively simple. The pace of the videos allowed time for making adjustments and really exploring how each pose felt and noticing subtle sensations. I have already incorporated Karin’s lessons into my daily routines

I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in seeking relief from arthritis pain and stiffness."  

Shawn L


Now Available! "10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Joint & Arthritis Pain" Online Course


If You Have Joint Pain, I Am Launching Something Just For You!