11 Foods I Could Live On

October at KARIN YOGA LIFE has been all about food! I have spoken a lot about eating a plant based diet, and in our Facebook Group we have been sharing tips and recipes. Feel free to join us here.

As we know, as we get older we have to be even more mindful about getting enough nutrition as our bodies get less efficient at absorbing nutrients.

Following the theme, I decided to compile a list of 11 foods that I could live on. Say I were stuck on a desert island, these are the foods that I would bring with me! I chose foods that I both really like and are nutrient dense. 

1.Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are actually one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It is a healthy option as it’s a complex carb, great fiber and highly nutrient dense. There are also so many ways to cook it. My personal favourite is to roast it in the oven with olive oil and seasoning. You can also boil, bake, or mash it. It honestly doesn't get enough respect.

2. Kale

Gotta get my leafy greens in! Kale is also one of the most highly nutrient dense foods. Since the flavour isn’t my favourite, I prefer to use kale in smoothies. You can also try to make kale chips. I tried this once but it didn’t turn out so great, so please feel free to share your recipes!

I also love kale if I saute it, but don’t hesitate to try it in a salad. One tip to help with the bitter taste is to massage your kale. It may sound weird, but  try topping your kale with some lemon juice and olive oil, then massage it for about 3 minutes. You can also add a pinch of salt. It is recommended to massage, chop, then wash your kale. Try it, it works!

3. Bananas

We all know that bananas are loaded with potassium. As someone with a tendency to high blood pressure, I need to make sure I get a lot of potassium in my diet. Not only are bananas a great snack on their own, but they’re also a delicious frozen dessert that is actually very healthy. Try freezing some and topping with berries and peanut butter. So good!

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. They are yummy and highly nutritious. You can eat them fresh, bake with them or try adding them to a salad. They pair well with other salad toppings like pecans and feta cheese. They are also easy to buy frozen and add to your smoothies. 

5. Oats

Good old fashioned oats come in at number 5. They are high in fiber, can help to lower your blood sugar, and are even great for your skin. I think oats and a plant based milk are a great base for smoothies. You can also cook them, and have them in a porridge. They are a great option for breakfast when you are trying to cut back on those typical fatty breakfast foods.

6. Clams

You may not have been expecting this one! Clams are actually high in a lot of vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamin B12. They are also a great source of protein. I usually buy them canned and add them on top of my salads. 

7. Sardines

I grew up eating sardines. As a kid, my mom would make my siblings and I sardine sandwiches. They are so easy to incorporate into your diet whether you try sardine pasta, sandwiches, or as extra protein on top of your salads. Not to mention, they are economical and a great source of iron, B12 and protein. They are also good for your heart!

8. Garlic

Garlic is so delicious! You can really put it in anything to give it more flavour. Garlic has many benefits and medicinal properties; it is antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial. Cooking with garlic is a must,  but roasted garlic can even be eaten plain.

9. Beans

I am constantly raving about eating beans as a source of protein. Chickpeas, black beans, and red peas - all kinds of beans are high in nutrition. They are also so versatile, in hummus, salads, soups, and of course rice and peas. Beans are a great substitute for animal protein, 

10. Nuts

Almonds and pumpkin seeds are a staple in my pantry. Nuts are such an awesome snack, especially if you mix them with dried fruits into a trail mix. They are a great source of omegas, healthy fats, fiber and protein. They are small, but mighty!

11. Chocolate

I had to add this one in. 70% dark chocolate is actually great for you (when you don’t have a full chocolate bar everyday!). Dark chocolate has cardiovascular benefits, is full of antioxidants, can improve brain function and alleviate stress. Besides, who doesn't love chocolate? 

Food can be your medicine! 

Most of the foods on my list are plant foods as I’m a believer in eating a mainly plant based diet. 

What are the foods you could live off on?

Join the KARIN YOGA LIFE Wellness & Yoga private Facebook group community! Our community is all about living healthy, happy and pain free over 40. 

We share about how to navigate the changes taking place in our bodies and lives. We talk a lot about yoga, but also about keeping active, eating nourishing food, managing stress, and self care in its many forms!

And we have fun! 


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